Module:Proofreadpage index template/config

Þessi síða var afrituð frá ensku Wikiheimild. Reynt hefur verið að aðlaga hana að íslensku Wikiheimildum með sem fæstum mögulegum breytingum. Það er gert til að forðast fjölverknað og spara tíma en einnig svo hægt sé að taka við uppfærslum og nýjum eiginleikum með sem minnstri fyrirhöfn. Leiðbeiningar um notkun hennar má finna á enska verkefninu. Einungis það sem lesandinn sér skal íslenskað. Ef frekari breytingar eru nauðsynlegar til að aðlaga hana að íslenska verkefninu skulu þær útskýrðar hér fyrir neðan.

local c = {}

c["defaults"] = {
	Source = '_empty_',

c["headings"] = {
	title = {
		txt = 'Title',
	progress = {
		txt = 'Progress',
	oclc = {
		txt = 'OCLC',
    transclusion = {
    	txt = 'Transclusion',
    validation_date = {
    	txt = 'Validated in',
    source = {
    	txt = 'Source'
    place = {
    	txt = 'Location'
    year = {
    	txt = 'Year'
    publisher = {
    	txt = 'Publisher'
    author = {
    	txt = 'Author'
    editor = {
    	txt = 'Editor'
    translator = {
    	txt = 'Translator'
    illustrator = {
    	txt = 'Illustrator'
    doi = {
    	txt = 'DOI'
    volumes = {
    	txt = 'Volumes'

c["status"] = {
	T = {
		cat = 'Index Validated',
		txt = 'Done—All pages of the work proper are validated',
	V = {
		cat = 'Index Proofread',
		txt = 'Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated',
	C = {
		cat = 'Index Not-Proofread',
		txt = 'To be proofread',
	MS = {
		cat = 'Index - Ready for Match and Split',
		txt = 'Ready for Match and Split',
	OCR = {
		cat = 'Index - Text Layer Requested',
		txt = 'Source file needs an OCR text layer',
	L = {
		cat = 'Index - File to fix',
		txt = 'Source file must be fixed before proofreading',
		error = true,
	X = {
		cat = 'Index - File to check',
		txt = 'Create a pagelist for the source file before commencing proofreading (to verify file is correct)',
		error = true
	_default = {
		cat = 'Index - Unknown progress',
		txt = 'Unknown progress (template error)',
		error = true,

c["transclusion"] = {
	yes = {
		cat = 'Fully transcluded',
		txt = 'Fully transcluded',
		help = 'The work is fully transcluded, including front and end matter and images'
	notimg = {
		cat = 'Images not fully transcluded',
		txt = 'Images not fully transcluded',
		help = 'The work is fully transcluded, but that some images are still missing or need improvement',
	notadv = {
		cat = 'Advertising not transcluded',
		txt = 'Advertising not transcluded',
		help = 'The main body of the work is properly transcluded, though front- or end-matter advertising material is not'
	held = {
		cat = 'Transclusion on hold',
		txt = 'Transclusion on hold',
		help = 'There is a problem with transcluding the work (which should be explained on the talk page)'
	check = {
		cat = 'Transclusion check required',
		txt = 'Transclusion check required',
		help = ' The transclusion of the work is incomplete or needs checking'
	no = {
		cat = 'Index not transcluded',
		txt = 'Index not transcluded or unreviewed',
		help = ' This work is not transcluded or has not been reviewed for transclusion'

return c